This review, published in tabloid form, contains full-page photographs, most often black and white, which are accompanied by concise texts, often located at the bottom of the pages. Twelve FREE are numbered and fourteen of these journals have special mentions such as GRATUIT N° FRAC BRETAGNE or GRATUIT N° LYON. This project on the border between art and publishing questions the status of the work of art as well as its market value.
→ Gilles Mahé’s Archives are on deposit and can be consulted on request at the documentation center.
Le Mur du Fonds
Devoted to the presentation of editorial initiatives, le Mur du Fonds gives prominence to the collection of multiples and artists’ books from Frac Bretagne as well as to artists, graphic designers, editors and students who develop an original approach to publishing. Very reactive, its programming is thought out in exchange and with artistic news…