Une traversée photographique en Bretagne 
Group show
13.05 - 19.09.2021

Photographs from the Frac Bretagne Collection

This summer, the gates of the old Court House of Pontivy will be adorned with a collection of photographs from the Fonds régional d’art contemporain Bretagne. With more than 5,000 works, the Frac Bretagne’s mission has been to bring contemporary art to Brittany for forty years. It is a public service of culture, supported since its origin by the Region and the Naitional government. In Pontivy, it is therefore natural that it should take over the gates of the Court House, an emblematic building currently being transformed to accommodate the Region’s new services for the population. From here and elsewhere, these photographs present a glimpse of what this common heritage conceals, and are part of the summer tour Une traversée photographique en Bretagne which proposes a jouney through more than 15 exhibitions through out Brittany.


Olga Chernysheva (1962, Russia) Lives and works in Moscou.
Gilles Ehrmann (1928-2005, France)
Anita Gauran (1988, France) Lives and works in Rennes.
Raymond Hains (1926-2005, France)
Estelle Hanania (1980, France) Lives and works in Paris.
Bethan Huws (1961, Great Britain) Lives and works in Berlin.
Guillaume Janot (1966, France) Lives and works in Lyon.
Gabriel Orozco (1962, Mexico) Lives and works in Mexico city.
Alain Roux (1956, France) Lives and works in Vachendorf.
Maryvonne Rocher-Gilotte (1940-2012, France).
Stephen Shore (1947, USA) Lives and works in New York.
Eric Tabuchi and Nelly Monnier (1960 and 1988, France) Live and work in Paris.
Hervé Thoby (1959, France) Lives and works in Douarnenez.

Free exhibition

Une Traversée photographique en Bretagne

Imagery: Stephen Shore, Natural Bridge, New York, July 31, 1974, 1974 From the serie Uncommon Places (detail) © Stephen Shore. Courtesy 303 Gallery, New York