The works of the Frac Bretagne collection may be shown within temporary, monographic or group exhibitions initiated by institutions, cultural structures, museums or art centres in France and abroad.

Morgane Estève
Responsible for the management and diffusion of the collection

Works loans

Each loan request is subject to a study by an internal loan committee according to a regulatory framework which formulates the borrowers obligations, in particular in terms of transportation security, the insurance of works and conservation measures. The loan of the works is free; however, the management of the collection requires professional monitoring and involves costs which may be passed on, in certain cases, to the borrower, including packaging, preparation, framing, duplication of videos, and/or supplies related to the activation of the works.

The artist’s book collection is a complementary resource to support these projects (to which the same loan conditions apply).

Deposits of works

Deposits of works for a renewable one year period are granted to local authorities, to the services of the Brittany Region, to the decentralised services of the government and to museums that request them. Projects are examined and validated according to the availability of works and their security. The applicant will be requested to contribute to transportation and insurance costs.

Exhibition partnerships

Every year, the Frac Bretagne conducts and pursues numerous operations in partnership with public or private structures (museums, art centres, local authorities, associations, media libraries…) in the Brittany region in order to respond to one of its main missions, the diffusion of artworks in the collection. These partnerships (medium- or long-term) are built on the basis of a dialogue between the two structures and result in an constantly renewed programming of temporary exhibitions. These types of projects require a deep understanding of the functioning and the objectives of the partner structure, and must therefore be prepared about a year in advance. The financial cost of the operation is borne by the structure at the initiative of the request. It is variable and is calculated on the basis of a contribution to the costs of transportation, the insurance of the works, labour for hanging and taking down works, communication, the opening…

The public programs service of the Frac Bretagne handles specific requests for partnerships from schools or training establishments.

Image : Photographic credit : Frac Bretagne